Monday, December 5, 2011

"Under Trees. The Germans and the Forest" / "Images in Trees" by Paul Rolans

On the occasion of the exhibition "Under Trees.The Germans and the Forest", in the German Historical Museum in Berlin, I present this video with pictures of my photoproject "Images in Trees", which  I started in 1995.
In the year 1997 I exhibited my works at the Federal Ministry of Environment, Bonn. The exhibition with the title "Vielfalt - Bilder in Bäumen" was opened by Dr.Angela Merkel.
For more information please look here and here.

I sell photographs of my project in my webshop. If you appreciate my perception of trees or if you are looking for an exceptional present, I create an exclusive photo-edition for you of the Images in the Trees in your (palace)-garden, in your park or in your private-forest. Please contact me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Andreas Gursky “Rhine II” and “Images in the Rhine” by Paul Rolans

BBC News Entertainment & Arts
11 November 2011

Andreas Gursky's Rhein II sets photo record
“An image of the Rhine by German artist Andreas Gursky has fetched $4.3m (£2.7m) at Christie's New York, setting an auction record for a photograph.
Glass-mounted panoramic colour print
Rhein II, created in 1999, is one of an edition of six works.
Others hang at New York's Museum of Modern Art and London's Tate Modern.
It beat the previous record of $3.9m (£2.5m) achieved by an untitled 1981 colour print by Cindy Sherman, who is the subject of all her own works.
Gursky's print had a pre-sale estimate of $2.5m-$3.5m (£1.6m-£2.2m).
Rhein II is the largest of the six photographs, which are produced in various sizes.
As well as in New York and London, other photographs in the edition are housed in Munich's Pinakothek der Moderne and Glenstone art museum in the US.
Gursky has spoken of "a particular place with a view over the Rhine which has somehow always fascinated me, but it didn't suffice for a picture as it basically constituted only part of a picture".
He said he "carried this idea for a picture around with me for a year-and-a-half".
"In the end I decided to digitalise the pictures and leave out the elements that bothered me," he added.
Christie's said the viewer was "not invited to consider a specific place along the river, but rather an almost 'platonic' ideal of the body of water as it navigates the landscape".
Here you can see the picture and read the original article.

In my photo series “Images in the Rhine” I show pictures, which I did not edit as extensively as Andreas Gursky did with his photo. I have perceived and then photographed them out of a special perspective on the river Rhine in Cologne (2010). .

Info about the video:
This is a video of a slideshow on my PC. It shows some footage from my new photo series "Images in the Rhine." I´m specialized in water-photography and I work since 2003 continuously at my photo project "Images in Water. I would like to draw attention of the viewer at a new facet of this wonderful and fascinating element with its inexhaustible imagery. Due to my trained eye and a carefully selected perspective, I succeed in discovering unique pictures in the swirls, waves and refractions in the water which I capture with my camera. To make these - Images in the Rhine- was a real challenge. When I started, I first saw just a shapeless mass of water, nearly monochromatic. I had to “tame” the river with eye in order to make those Images out of the variety of underwater structures. I am very impressed by the paintings of William Turner and Claude Monet, who have decades long occupied themselves with the element water. William Turner made many trips along the Rhine and made many sketches of it, that served as an inspiration for his paintings. He has made some beautiful views of the Rhine that show Cologne.

On your request,I create an exclusive photo edition for you with „Images in Water“, from a river of your choice.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The 65th Annual Conference of the German Forest Society and "Images in Trees" by Paul Rolans

At the 65th Annual Conference of the German Forest Society in Aachen held from 21st to 25th September 2011, Jan McAlpine Director of the UN Forum on Forests Secretariat within DESA, was awarded the Fernow Award by the German Forest Society at a commemorative event on September 23, at the historic town hall of Aachen. The Fernow Award recognizes individuals for outstanding achievements in international forestry.
Ms. McAlpine was recognised for her extensive achievements over the last three years on behalf of the United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat, including, in particular, her accomplishments related to activities in celebration of the International Year of Forests, 2011. Read more .

I can identify with the slogan of this years` Conference :“Wir sind Wald” / “We are the Forest”. I´m working since 1995 at a photo-project, in which I show incredible images that I see in trees.In 1996 I´ve had an exhibition with it during the 57th Annual Conference of the German Forest Society at The Humboldt University in Berlin.I started with that project in Aachen and have extended it to the rest of Germany and some other European countries. I have named it “Images in Trees”. Here is a video that gives an impression of it.

On "Images in Trees" - Archive I have collected some Articles etc. Further information you´ll find on my homepage .
I sell photographs of my project in my webshopIf you appreciate my perception of trees or if you are looking for an exceptional present, I create an exclusive photo-edition for you of the Images in the Trees in your (palace)-garden, your park or your private-forest. Please contact me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Rembrandt in Water" as seen by Paul Rolans -The Imagenist

Here is a short video that I made at one of my exhibitions in 2008. It´s an exploration of a photo with the video-camera. The sunlight gives the Image a “golden” colour. Some visitors of the exhibition had associations with works from Rembrandt. It could be an abstract self-portrait. Rembrandt made a lot of them during his life. As I explored the Image with my camera, I discovered more little figures,which I will show in another video later on.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Images in Trees by Paul Rolans: In search of Colours Forms and Figures

In search of Colours Forms and Figures
An introduction by Dr. Marlene Schnelle-Schneyder DGPh
As a rule, photographers are always searching; searching for motifs and ideas. Paul Rolans has found his motif and his idea: trees.
In recent decades we have come to appreciate that trees and forests fulfil vital live-giving functions in the rhythms and cycles of Nature.
Paul Rolans knows these functions, he has forged an intimate relationship to Nature and especially to trees. In the literal sense of the word he is seeking to get close to them.
The word tree tends to evoke an associative chain of images in our minds: the trunk and crown, perhaps the colour green. Yet by intensifying his exploration, Paul Rolans' photos avoid these superficial clicheés.
His objective is to challenge our normal, selective perception which usually only registers general features. He sensitises the observer's perception with great subtlety. He guides and beguiles the observer into focussing on the closeness and clarity of detail, on the experience of visual touch.
Paul Rolans' eyes scan every minute detail, and in the totality they seek and find the special. His camera elicits colour and form from the bark, detects faces and figures which become signs.
When his searching gaze has found the form, he both extracts and abstracts from Nature's offerings. Paul Rolans transforms his discoveries into images; the colours, forms and figures emancipates themselves from their origins and become autonomous visual entities in their own right.
Coloured surfaces, which appear so untypical for trees, surprise us by their intensity or by the interplay of their broken hues.
Forms, structured by light, take on aggressive tips and edges, whilst others display a harmonious, organic structure. Dynamic lines and coloured gradients serve to galvanise the static image into motion.
We are familiar with the human face from birth and our perception seems to have an innate preference for recognising human physiognomies and figures. Paul Rolans rekindles these instincts with suggestive lines and contours, highlights them in his photos, allowing the eye to fill in the gaps to complete the image.
Faces appear over primordial landscapes, angels float above surfaces. Figures, forms and colours interact, captivating our attention and perception.
Paul Rolans reveals to us a new kind of Nature! We discover our own modes of perception, geared as they are to identification and recognition in order to structure our environment.
The photos presented by Paul Rolans take us beyond this function. In the process of recognition we discover the puzzling and the new. We see images which Nature only reveals on closer scrutiny and for this Paul Rolans deserves our gratitude.

I started my photoproject "Images in Trees" in 1995. It is a work in progress In this video you get a first impression. Some articles from the press about my exhibitions you´ll find here

In 2011 there has been an exhibition,"In Focus: The Tree" , at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles Here is a part of a text "Finding the Grace in Trees" from Francoise Reynaud, the curator of the exhibition.
„Visual artists as well as writers have long extolled the presence of the tree. From the origins of photography to the present day, photographers have considered the tree, with its strong graphic form and evocative power, to be a popular subject. Through the works of artists such as Robert Adams, Eugène Atget, Anne Brigman, William Eggleston, P. H. Emerson, Gustave Le Gray, Eliot Porter, Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Strand, William Henry Fox Talbot, and Carleton Watkins, this book spans the history of photography from the mid-nineteenth to early-twenty-first century to address the image of the tree in its many connotations—as graphic form, symbolic icon, and role model for the beauty of nature. The selection of eighty-one images carefully culled from the J. Paul Getty Museum’s permanent collection of photographs and reproduced in color presents the tree in various contexts: the single tree; trees in the urban landscape; uses of trees; tree reflections and shadows; and details, abstractions, and conceptual views of trees as conceived by contemporary artists.„This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition In Focus: The Tree, to be held at the J.Paul Getty Museum from February 15 to June 3, 2011.

“Keith Richards in Water” as seen by Paul Rolans –The Imagenist

I´m an artist and specialist water-photographer.Some time ago I found an Image in a river near Cologne that looked very familiar. I recognized Keith right away. I know the paintings and drawings that Ron Wood made of the members of the Rolling Stones. The picture you see in the video is a more abstract version of the ones he made of Keith.
I´m a Stones fan for over 4 decades and I learned to play guitar as I copied their songs. Since 20 years I ´m on an imagenistical journey with my camera and I keep finding the most extraordinary Images in Water. So here is Keith.
 I had fun experimenting a bit with the Image. Keep on rolling Keith !!