Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Doodling Selfies of the Subcon" / "Selfies - Linien aus dem Nicht-Linearen"

Sliding in a split second like a wizard on the screen of my smartphone with my finger, that´s how I´ve made these Doodles All you see is me. Selfies of my Subconcious,in different moods,with different gestures and in different postures.


The art of drawing which is of more real importance to the human race than that of writing... should be taught to every child just as writing is,” declared John Ruskin, one of the most prolific writers of the 19th century. The Campaign For Drawing, a British charity established a decade ago on the centenary of Ruskin's death, duly works to raise the profile of drawing for all ages. The idea is that drawing is an essential and woefully underestimated tool for thinking about and engaging with the world.  

Drawing is “making marks with meaning," explains Sue Grayson Ford, director of the Campaign For Drawing. It is an art form but also a communication device, used by architects, archaeologists and mathematicians, as well as artists, cartoonists and regular people. From doodles to murals to blueprints, it is how humans communicated before the invention of language, and it continues to succeed where language often fails. Indeed, it is “the best tool we have for understanding and communicating,” says Ms Grayson Ford.

Friday, January 23, 2015

"About Butterflies , Metamorphosis and Spiritual Evolution"

Martin Vieweg and Nancy Seifer wrote in 2008:

"One of the most enduring metaphors for the spiritual path is the transformation of the lowly catepillar into a butterfly.  Out of its own substance, the ground-hugging grub weaves the medium for its metamorphosis—the chrysalis within which it evolves into a beautiful creature with wings.  The human being undergoes an equally dramatic transformation, unfolding the path to liberation from within the depths of the soul and emerging, after great struggle, as an expression of divinity in the world."

The Goal of the Spiritual Path

"The word “transformation” first became popular during the 1960s and 70s as the new wave of spirituality began to emerge.  For "new-agers," it was a word associated with spiritual awakening, though its deeper meaning awaited experience.  By the 80s and 90s, the word became a trendy synonym for change in the corporate world, and by the start of the new millennium it had entered the lexicon of government agencies, most notably the Pentagon.  The spiritual sense of the word was all but dead and buried during those years.
In the wisdom teachings, transformation is the process by which the human being becomes a spiritual being.  It involves a metamorphosis that begins when the soul in incarnation awakens to its spiritual essence, after lifetimes of immersion in matter, and discovers the path of return to its Source.  Along the way, the individual who was identified with the outer persona—the body, emotions, and mind—gradually becomes identified with the Soul, the true or higher Self.  As the path of transformation unfolds, the persona becomes the reflection of the light and love of the soul........"
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