Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Images in the Chairs" by Paul Rolans, an imagenistic reaction on "Man on the Chairs" by He Xiangyu


As I visited the Art Cologne this year, I saw the installation "Man on the Chairs" by He Xiangyu,who exhibited at the Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin Beijing. As an artist and specialist wood photographer with an eye for details, I was excited. I returned the next day with my camera and worked the whole afternoon. I found a universe of images, hidden in the chairs
White Space Beijing & Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin Beijing

Man on the Chairs”, a piece of recent work of young artist He Xiangyu, goes on his multiple attitudes and judgments to the “object” in his famous work “The Coca Cola Project” – there is not only the emphasis on life experience, but also the insight into social system, and the evaluation of the power of language after the form of the “object” changes. In this new piece, the ancient round wood aqueduct abandoned by Yunnan mountaineers is dismantled and reassembled into more than one hundred chairs by the artist, and these “everyday” objects which symbolize time and tradition will occupy the entire exhibition space. The artist will create a supernatural poetic space in the exhibition hall based on them, and there will be a dancer performing contextual body language on the chairs. At the meanwhile, the viewers, being personally on the scene, can step into the exhibition space and walk among the chairs and experience the highness of nature, the realization of life and the absurdity of the act, and further find out the current view in the work “Man on the Chairs” and its attention and introspection into “the state of being” beyond time and space. Here is some information about it Read more and even more
He Xiangyu ist einer der chinesischen Gastkünstler auf der ArtCologne 2012 in Köln. Mit seinen jungen Jahren ist er schon einer der gefragtesten chinesischen Künstler.

"Man on the Chairs", ist ein Teil der jüngsten Arbeiten des jungen Künstlers. Für dieses Kunstprojekt, „Man of chairs“, sammelte er Holzteile eines ehemaligen Wasserkanals und lies sie nach Peking bringen. Dort arbeitete er dieses Holz zu den charismatischen Stühlen um.
Selbstverständlich können die Betrachter des Kunstwerkes auch erfahren, was es heißt, auf diesen Stühlen zu sitzen. Sie können die Hoheit der Natur, die Erkenntnis des Lebens und die Absurdität der Handlung am eigenen Körper spüren und auf sich wirken lassen.

Seine Großprojekte basieren auf der Herstellung neuer Zusammenhänge durch die Wandlung von Materialien. Lesen Sie mehr