Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Turner and the Elements" and "Images in the Elements" by Paul Rolans

William Turner is one of my favorite artists.Truly ahead of his time.I made this video on the occasion of the exhibition at The Bucerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg

Turner and the Elements

"William Turner was known to his contemporaries as “the painter of light”. In his landscape paintings he created new, unusual combinations of earth, air, fire and water and closely examined their interactions. His lifelong observations of the natural world gave him fundamental insight into the truth of nature and supported his increasing fascination with the fusion of the elements. Turner’s vision of elements merged together by the forces of nature was closely linked to contemporary research in the natural sciences. This exhibition brings together around 85 works from the Tate Gallery in London and other collections from Britain and the USA. The five subject areas, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Fusion illustrate the development of Turner’s landscape paintings over a period of many years and show how his painting technique, which blends shapes and elements together, was influenced by the latest scientific discoveries. Hamburg is the first location for this exhibition, which has been designed by the Bucerius Kunst Forum. Subsequently, it will travel to the National Museum in Krakow and then be shown at the newly opened Turner Contemporary in Margate, England."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Udo Lindenberg malt eine Likörelle für seine Fans in Köln" von Paul Rolans -The Imagenist

"Thanxxl Kölle - Panik-Rekord-Stadt  - Euer Udo" , so signierte Udo Lindenberg die Likörelle die er für seine Fans in Köln vor dem Hyatt Hotel, mit Blick auf Dom, Rhein und Altstadt gemacht hat.Ein Open Air Event der Extra Klasse. Ich kam gerade vorbei und hatte "zufällig" meine Kamera dabei.... Hier ist die Pop Art Version.